Company Overview
Tjernlund Products inception dates back to 1938 when Emil Tjernlund and his son Robert started designing and manufacturing oil fired forced air furnaces. From this start their product offering evolved into gas fired furnaces and custom packaged roof top heating & cooling equipment. In the mid 1950's Auto Draft Inducers were developed to eliminate draft problems associated with short stacks on roof top units. Other people within the heating industry soon saw the advantages of these draft inducers and wholesale distribution of the Auto Draft Inducers began in 1957. Tjernlund Products was spun off as a separate company in 1973. The original manufacturing facility had 10,000 ft2 and 12 employees. Since then they have expanded their facility to 75,000 ft2 and have grown to over 50 employees. Tjernlund Products engineering and manufacturing departments feature the latest technology in 3D CAD design and CNC turret presses and brakes.
Download Documents
- Tjernlund AireShare Brochure 2017.pdf
- Tjernlund AireShare Switch-it Wireless Controls 8500732.pdf
- Tjernlund Balance Booster Lit 8500500.pdf
- Tjernlund Cool Breeze Garage Fan 8500510.pdf
- Tjernlund CSA1 Chimney Stack Assist Fan Kit 8500605.pdf
- Tjernlund Crawl Space & Basement Ventilation Fan Lit 8500720 Rev A.pdf
- Tjernlund DC9_10, DC4G_DC10G DRAFT CONTROLS 8504015 REV A 0301.PDF
- Tjernlund DH10_Dehumidistat.pdf
- Tjernlund Draft Control Lit 8500490 Rev B 0200.pdf
- Tjernlund Draft Inducer In-Line Lit 8500590.pdf
- Tjernlund Draft_Ventilation ad (2).pdf
- Tjernlund Dryer Booster Reference Guide 8500303.pdf
- Tjernlund D-Strat Series Ceiling Fans 8500755.pdf
- Tjernlund In-Forcer Combustion Air Intake Systems Lit 8500402 Rev C 0414.pdf
- Tjernlund GPAK Brochure.pdf
- Tjernlund MAC4E 8504112 (Board Version F) REV B 0805.pdf
- Tjernlund LB2 Dryer Duct Booster Lit 8500302 Rev A.pdf
- Tjernlund Power Venters - HSJ, HS1, HS2.pdf
- Tjernlund Rooftop_Inducer Brochure.pdf
- Tjernlund Side_Wall_Venting_Reference_Guide.pdf
- Tjernlund Sure Dry Shower Drying Systems Lit 8500723.pdf
- Tjernlund UC1 Universal Control (X.06 Version) 8504107 REV D 0705.PDF
- Tjernlund UnderAire Crawl Space Ventilator Lit 8500720.pdf
- Tjernlund Ventilation Products Stuffer 8500850 0415 Rev G.pdf
- Tjernlund VP-2F_VP-3F Literature.pdf
- Tjernlund X2D XchangeR Basement Fan Lit 8500721.pdf
- Tjernlund XchangeR Reversible Basement Fan Lit 8500721 Rev C 0414.pdf
Full Catalog
Full Catalog
Spec Sheets
Spec Sheets
- DEVH8_12 Submittal.qxd.pdf
- RT750(H)_RT1500(H)_Rooftop Inducers.pdf
- Tjernlund _AS1_AS1P_AireShare_Spec_Sheet_8513030.pdf
- Tjernlund CDB8 Dryer Duct Booster Submittal.pdf
- Tjernlund DB2 SPEC.qxp.pdf
- Tjernlund DB2 Submittal.pdf
- Tjernlund DR-10 Dryer Booster Fan Pressure Switch.pdf
- Tjernlund D-Strat Series Ceiling Fans 8500755.pdf
- Tjernlund EF-Series Duct Booster Specifications.pdf
- Tjernlund HS specs.pdf
- Tjernlund LB2 DEDPV Dryer Duct Booster Specs 8506208.pdf
- Tjernlund M Series Booster Fans .pdf
- tjernlund P Series Booster Fans .pdf