Company Overview
Founded in 1993 with headquarters in Bristol UK, A‑Gas is the world leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerant and industrial gases, fire suppressants and blowing agents.
Refrigerants used for heat exchange in air conditioning and chilling applications.
Industrial special products including industrial gases used in a variety of applications.
Environmental services providing full environmental services for the recovery and reclamation of environmentally-sensitive products such as HCFCs, HFCs, halon and associated products.
Performance chemicals including blowing agents used in the manufacture of insulating foams and electronic processes; and specialist chemicals distributed to the semi-conductor, printed circuit board, electronic and industrial metal finishing, photovoltaic and advanced packaging technology industries.
Fire protection recovery, reclamation, storage and management of halons, supply and reclamation of clean agent fire suppressants such as HFC227ea, HFC125, and HFC236fa.